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News from MSP Medical

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Cushion, Home Decor, Chair, Furniture, Headrest

Since the introduction of the Noa shower chair in 2015, we have not stood still. What started as an innovative aid has, over the years, evolved into an advanced, reliable, and user-friendly shower chair.

Sitting, Executive, Wristwatch, Bicycle, Mobile Phone

MSP Medical is officially a distributor of INDES spare parts, offering our customers a broader and more accessible product range.


I wanted to make the world a little bit better. This has always been the common thread in my path as an entrepreneur, and thus also for MSP Medical.

Arda Medical focuses on cost savings for its customers

Arda Medical are experts in making sure that every device they offer is safe and reliable for their customers. And they don’t stop there. They also know how to fix and maintain any kind of healthcare equipment, no matter what brand it is. That’s why they are called “brand independent”.

They always strive to provide their customers with the best possible solutions in terms of care aids and their safety. How has the collaboration with MSP Medical resulted in an average savings of 15% on maintenance costs for Arda Medical's customer?

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L'importance d'utiliser des chargeurs de batterie médicaux sûrs

Faites l'expérience de recharger vos batteries sans vous soucier de la sécurité ou de la surcharge. Avec nos chargeurs, vous pouvez recharger vos batteries Lithium-Polymère, SLA/VRLA et NiMH en toute tranquillité d'esprit. Dans un marché sensible aux prix, de nombreux chargeurs manquent souvent de caractéristiques de sécurité essentielles.

En particulier dans le secteur de la santé, il est essentiel de choisir des chargeurs de haute qualité afin que les soins aux patients restent sûrs et sans interruption. Nous avons mis en évidence certaines considérations importantes à prendre en compte lors du choix d'un chargeur médical. Découvrez 5 facteurs importants à prendre en compte lors de l'achat d'un chargeur médical.

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